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July 26, 2011

Kwa Mujibu ya blog ya Mbeya yetu..,


Mzee Ernest Paulo Waya  aliyepigana vita kuu ya pili vya Dunia  akiongea na Mbeya Yetu  amesema serikali imewatelekeza na kutowajali kwa chochote na kuwazulumu mafao yao mashujaa hao wa zamani ila huwaona wamaana sana siku ya mashujaa na kuwaita ili washiriki pamoja siku hiyo zoezi hilo likiisha huwatelekeza mpaka mwaka mwingine tena mzee Waya amesema ndiyo maana mwaka huu wenzake wengi hawajaja wapo kujitafutia riziki maana kula yao niyashida sana
Mzee Ernest Waya akiweka upinde na mshale kuwakumbuka wenzake aliokuanao vitani enzi hizo
Mzee Ernest Waya akitoa heshima mara baada ya kuweka upinde na mshale
Toka kushoto ni Mkuu wa Mkoa Mbeya John Mwakipesile wapili ni Mstahiki meya wajiji la  Mbeya  Mh Atanas Kapunga watatu Mzee Ernest Waya wanne ni mwakilishi wa machifu wa Mbeya
Shughuli imekwisha Mzee Waya huyoo ndiyo wamekwisha msahau hawana mpangonae tena
Hapa anaelekea ofisi ya mkuu wa Mkoa Mbeya apate msaada wa usafiri kumrudisha kwake Mbalizi

July 20, 2011

Dakta Mary Mwanjelwa Funzo la Wanawake kutokukata Tamaa.!!

Namtambulisha kwenu mwanamke dada jasiri, msomi na mpenda maendeleo, mwenye kuamini kuwa maendeleo yoyote ya mwanamke yanakuja kwa juhudi zake mwenyewe, hekima, umakini, busara, uvumilivu na heshima na sio tu kusubiri kubebwa au uwezeshwaji tu kama inavyotafsiriwa na baadhi ya watu wengi nchini juu ya wanawake. Dada huyu ni mama wa watoto wawili wa kiume na ni mzaliwa wa Mbeya.

Huyu si mwingine bali ni Dakta Mary Mwanjelwa, Mbunge wa Viti Maalum Mkoa wa Mbeya kutokea CCM.
Mary Mwanjelwa ambaye  amewahi kuwa Meneja Mradi 'Liason Manager' wa iliyokuwa Afrika Mashariki Gold Mine, baadae Placer dome ambayo sasa inaitwa Africa Gold Barrick (kampuni ya madini), na pia kabla hajawa Mbunge alikuwa ni Mkurugenzi wa Corporate wa Population Services International (PSI Tanzania) Shirika linalotoa huduma ya Afya ya jamii.

Mhe. Mary ambaye ana Shahada ya Uzamivu (PHD) ya Heshima kwenye Humanity toka Chuo Kikuu huko California, Marekani, pia ana Shahada ya Uzamili kwenye masuala ya Mawasiliano toka Chuo Kikuu cha St. Augustine, Mwanza-Tanzania, pia ana Stashahada ya Juu ya Uzamili katika masuala ya Uhusiano wa Kimataifa na Kidiplomasia toka katika Chuo cha Uhusiano wa Kimataifa na Diplomasia cha Kurasini, DSM-Tanzania Vile vile ana Stashahada ya Juu ya Diploma kwenye Business Administration.
Mary aliyesomea shule ya Msingi Muungano, Sekondari ya Sangu zote za jijini Mbeya, na baadaye  Sekondari ya Siha -Moshi; anasema Elimu ni ufunguo na haina mwisho.

Dkt. Mary anaamini kuwa Baba wa Taifa, Hayati Mwl. Nyerere ndie aliyemvutia sana kuingia katika siasa na anaishi kupitia yale aliyoagiza na kutusii tuyafuate na kuyaenzi, hivyo mwaka 2005 alijitosa katika kinyang'anyiro cha Ubunge  akafika kwenye tatu bora za mkoani kwake na kuingia kwenye 'kapu' kama wanavyoita UWT lakini kwa  bahati mbaya kura hazikutosha lakini hakukata tamaa aliendelea kuomba nafasi mbalimbali katika chama chake cha CCM na kufanikiwa kupata nafasi zote alizoomba katika chama.
Dkt. Mary Mwanjelwa ambaye ni Mwanamke anayependa kufanya kazi kwa bidii na Kusoma siku zote, mcheshi na makini, mcha Mungu lakini 'principled' aliamua kuingia kwenye Siasa ili kutumika vema kwa nchi na wananchi akiwapeperushia bendera, kuwawakiilisha na kuwa karibu nao zaidi kwani anaamini katika mabadiliko kuendana na wakati pia.

Dada huyu aliyekamilika katika nyanja nyingi, ukimuangalia kwa haraka haraka waweza kusema utamuingiaje pengine anajidai n.k, lakini ukweli ukishamfahamu kwa undani hakika Mungu amemjalia mengi.

Huyu ndiye Dakta Mary Mwanjelwa,Msomi ambaye ni makini kwa kumsikiliza kila Mmoja pasipo ubaguzi.! hapa akihojiana naMoja ya Waandishi wa Habari.!
Yupo karibu na Kila Mwananchi ili aweze kuwa Msemaji mzuri wa kila Mwenye shida katika kutatua Matatizo yanayowakabiri Wananchi
Mbunge wa Viti Maalum CCM Mbeya Mjini Dakta Mary Mwanjelwa akimkabidhi Katibu wa UWT wilaya ya Mbeya mjini, Sarah Mgoli, msaada wa shati zenye nembo ya CCM kwa ajili ya wajumbe wa Baraza la UWT wilayani humo.
Misaada ni sehem ya Maisha yake
Huyo ndiye Mary Mwanjelwa anayewasihi Wanawake wajenge upendo, Umoja na Mshikamano baina yao na kuondoa dhana Mbaya ya Adui wa Mwanamke ni Mwanamke mwenyewe, huku akiwasihi Wanawake wa Mkoa wa Mbeya kujishughulisha zaidi kwani wana sifa ya uchapaji kazi hivyo wajitume.!!


July 19, 2011

No brains, No blood for Starfish.!

However, sea stars do have a nervous system that runs throughout their arms, but their bodies do not contain ‘blood’ in a traditional sense. Instead, their they manage to pump nutrients throughout their bodies using filtered seawater!

What I know is Snails can survive being eaten by birds.

New research has shown that snails can survive passing through a bird’s digestive tract. Some snails have been able to crawl out of bird waste alive, unscathed, and even able to produce offspring after the whole ordeal.

Researchers at Tohoku University found that two different species of birds that prey on snails have been able to pass live snails through their digestive systems. 14.3% of the snails eaten by the Japanese white-eye and 16.4% of those eaten by the brown-eared bulbul survived the digestive process.

There is a man has been accused of handing out yogurt samples tainted with his own semen!

32-year-old Anthony Garcia appears to be the type of person you’d expect to be from a state called “Ew Sex Icko” instead of the state that rhymes with that phrase. Garcia was recently indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of adulterating food and making false statements to federal investigators. The accusations come from a woman who was handed a yogurt sample containing Garcia’s bodily fluid at the Albuquerque market where he worked. Suspecting this to be the case the customer contacted the authorities, who determined that the yogurt in question did indeed contain human cultures, and a subsequent DNA case showed that the fluid came from Garcia himself! Anthony’s record shows that this sort of indecent behavior is nothing new for him - over the past decade he has been arrested at least three different times for indecent exposure and masturbating in public. If convicted, Anthony Garcia could face as long as eight years behind bars.

Do you know if There are not more people alive today than have ever died,

This is actually a common misconception. As we’re approaching a population of 7 billion people, many people look at the rapidly accelerating rate of population growth and assume that there are now so many people on Earth that they outnumber all of the people that have already lived and died.

Sadly, this is not true. Humankind has existed for approximately 50,000 years. In that time, over 106 billion people have been born, and most of them are dead. In fact, there’s about 100 billion people who are either pushing up daisies or are already completely decomposed. More people have died since 1750 than are alive today.

There were about 255 million websites from the beginning of this year,

That’s after 21.4 million websites were created in 2010 (including this one, ha ha ha ah Lol.,). 88.8 million of those websites were .coms, 13.2 million were .nets, and 8.6 were .orgs. In 2010 there were nearly 2 billion internet users, 5 billion photos on Flickr, 36 billion photos added to Facebook, and 107 trillion emails sent.

The most popular female baby name in the US for over 60 years was Mary

Mary was the most popular female baby name in the US from 1911-1946. It was finally beat by “Linda” in 1947. At the Social Security website, you can check to see which names were the most popular for the past 100 years. Mary was also the most popular name for the entire decade of the 1880s, as well as the 1890s, and the 1900s.
The most popular men's name in the last 100 years was Michael. Michael held a streak of 38 years at the #1 spot, and has been the #1 name in the U.S. for 45 of the last 100 years. The most popular baby names now? Isabella and Jacob.

July 17, 2011

Jennifer Lopez: Signs of Marriage Trouble During Royal Visit?

Saturday July 16, 2011 09:00 AM EDT
Jennifer Lopez: Signs of Marriage Trouble During Royal Visit? | Jennifer Lopez, Marc Anthony
Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony

Even before the royal newlyweds arrived, the red carpet at the July 9 BAFTA gala in Los Angeles was buzzing over Jennifer Lopez – and not just because of her midriff-baring Emilio Pucci dress.

Lopez arrived without her husband Marc Anthony, instead bringing her mother, Guadalupe, who got to mingle with the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at the hottest Hollywood event of the summer.

A week later, Lopez and Anthony told Wakalinext that they made a "very difficult decision" to "end our marriage" after seven years. The couple have 3-year-old twins.

UPS we are using today was founded by two teenagers with $100 borrowed from a friend.

The date was August 28, 1907 and the two kids were 18 year old Claude Ryan and 19 year old Jim Casey. Their company was originally called American Messenger Co. and they specialized in delivering telegraphs and lunches on bicycles. The company was run out of their basement! It wasn’t until 1913 that the company we now know as UPS stepped up their game by shifting toward delivering packages. This was when they bought their first Ford Model T and stopped relying completely on bicycles.

In Turkey., Turkey’s can change their head and neck colors as they wish!

Male turkey’s have the ability to change the color of their heads and their necks to different shades of red white and blue. This ability serves multiple purposes. During mating season, displaying different head and neck colors can be used to attract a mate. The males are polygamous (they have to attract many mates) so they have to go through a lot of work during mating season. They also use gobbling and strutting to attract females.

The males also change color to express dominance over other males. Overall, male turkeys, particularly wild turkeys, are much more colorful than their female counterparts. Their feathers also change color from green to copper to bronze in the sun, while the females stay brown and tan.

Roger this;There is a new traffic light for the colorblind that uses shapes instead of colors.

This new invention is called the Uni-Signal. It uses a red triangle as the stop light, a yellow circle for caution, and a green square for go. This way people who can’t tell the difference between the colors can remember the shapes that correspond to the different commands when driving. (Editor’s note: a friend with red-green colorblindness informed me that he keeps track by remembering that the top one means “stop”).

Nimesikia Ukilala kwenye Reli eti wapona Magonjwaaaaaaaa

Tanzania kuna mababu, mabibi na hata vijana wanaotoa huduma za vikombe kwa imani ya kuwaponya watu maradhi yao, nchini Indonesia watu wanalala juu ya reli za treni kwa imani magonjwa waliyo nayo yataondoka mara moja.

Si kitu cha ajabu kuona watu wakiwa wamelala kwenye reli za treni kwenye jimbo la Java nchini Indonesia.

Watu hufanya hivyo kwa imani kwamba nishati hafifu ya umeme inayopatikana kwenye reli inaweza kuyatibu maradhi yoyote yale.

Imani hiyo imewafanya watu wengi kujilaza kwenye reli za treni kwa masaa mengi ambapo wengine hudiriki kulala hapo siku nzima.

Tofauti na huduma za vikombe zinazotolewa Tanzania ambapo mgonjwa huchangia kidogo cha fedha, huduma hii ya tiba kwa kujilaza kwenye reli ni ya bure hivyo watu wengi wenye kuamini watapona kwa kujilaza kwenye reli wamekuwa wakifanya hivyo.

Treni zinapokuwa zikipita kwenye reli, huduma ya uponyaji husimamishwa kwa muda na pindi treni zinapokuwa zimeshaipita watu hurudi tena kujilaza kwenye reli.

Imani hiyo imezidi kuvuta watu wengi baada ya baadhi ya watu kudai wamepona magonjwa yaliyokuwa yakiwasumbua

Maybe North Dakota might not be a real state as we Think.!!

According to an 82-year-old amateur constitutional scholar in Grand Forks, North Dakota, a discrepancy in the state constitution and the U.S. Constitution invalidates his home state’s statehood. According to John Rolczynski, North Dakota has been a territory the whole time. Just in case he’s right, the N.D. legislature is working on fixing this constitutional discrepancy.

Do you know if Stretching before a workout is bad for you..?? This is Instead of relaxing the muscles stretching causes the muscles to tighten.

Stretching is still good for you. It can help improve your flexibility. However, you’re better off stretching at the end of a workout, or before you go to bed. Studies have shown that stretching before you play a sport can make you slower and weaker. The Center for Disease Control looked at 100 papers, and found no reason to evidence to support the popular notion that stretching before exercises reduces the likelihood of injury. In fact, the best thing to do before a workout would be to go for jog or do some other light exercise to increase the heart rate.

July 07, 2011

Ma Meen Nasr Bobnas Thabit.!!!

Ukizungumzia wadau wa Muziki Nchini,Presenters Djs wakali Nchini huwezi kumsahau Jamaa toka kuleeeeeeeee Tanga.!!! Anaitwa Nasr Bobnas Thabit toka pale Breez FM.!!


Mpango mzima ulifanyika pande za Mbalizi katika viwanja vya Ifisi Conference Centre (ICC)

Michezo ya kila aina ilikuwepo


Nilipendezewa na hii kitu, ama kweli ilikuwa ni Family Day

Mwasamweneeee., ha ha ha haa.!! No comment hapa

Mazoezi muhimu, so yalichukua nafasi yake pia.!!!

Mzigo wa vinywaji wa kutosha uliwekwa humu dzain., watu mpaka waliacha

Dj Andrew kushoto na Dj Mwasemwee kulia

Mbio za Magunia kwa watoto n wakubwa zilihusika

Sikumbuki vizuri hawa jamaa walikuwa wanadiscuss nini,

Kuvutana kwa Kamba sasa.., hii nayo ni kwa watoto na wakubwa kwa jinsia zote

Mbona kulalaaa.!???

Jamaa alitisha kinoma, cheki kogo zake za Uvutaji kamba, ha ha ha Lager bana kumbe sum tymz inaleta ujasiri Eeeh.!!??

Kimbiza kuku Meen

Kiukweli Kuku huyu alisumbua kinoma noma, cheki picha hizo

Ni tym ya sarakasi

Bonge la sound kutoka TBL., Big up guys.!

Anakula Kuku huku kashika....................

Ah.!! Mindu akiwa na moja ya Familia yake., but sikupata jina la huyu Mtoto mara moja though ni copy poa ya jamaa



Mmh.!! Kaka upo serious

Dogooo.., ulinivutia sana though sikupata jina lako mara moja

Habari za Saizi.!??
Nyama chomaz, kazi ni kwako iwe Mbuzi au Ng'ombe

Kikosi Kazi cha TBL



Mwasamwene na Dkt. Stanslaus Lambat

Mwasamwene na Freiz.,

 Kila aliyefika alitakiwa Safari Njema, though post hii imechelewa kutokana na Matatizo yaliyo nje ya uwezo hivyo tunaomba Radhi kwa Usumbufu uliyojitokeza.!! Ila Habari njema ni kwamba http://www.wakalinext.blogspot.com/ inarudi kwa kasi sasa waweza wasiliana nasi kupitia 0757 762 963


Matangazo hayo pia yatarushwa moja kwa Moja Kupitia 89.5 MBEYA FM Radio.!!